Welcome to mirror.mobinhost.com
This mirror server is located at MobinHost DC1, Tehran, Iran and is running on a 100GE connection with approximately 120TB of storage
This archive is available over http, https, ftp and rsync on both IPv4 and IPv6.
HTTP [http://mirror.mobinhost.com]
HTTPS [https://mirror.mobinhost.com]
FTP [ftp://mirror.mobinhost.com]
RSYNC [rsync://mirror.mobinhost.com]
If you have any issues or comments, please contact the mirror admins via e-mail at .
File Name ↓ | File Size ↓ | Date ↓ |
Parent directory/ | - | - |
f61f27bd17de546264aa58f40f3aafaac7021e0ef69c17f..> | 20 B | 2017-Jun-19 20:59 |
e31a2e82535d9924ffd4e6be3c74f3f254503c30de844a4..> | 753.5 KiB | 2020-Aug-01 10:51 |
e0685eaa1f1f0f7c0683ad3d9bee0e50097f934032f0284..> | 761.2 KiB | 2022-Sep-10 11:04 |
dae7f0f40f9462bf73273cfddf27679835c65673b472cdc..> | 753.9 KiB | 2020-Aug-01 10:51 |
da3d3bda9b6dc35eb40d625b85fe4eb3216757dd4499730..> | 754.5 KiB | 2020-Aug-01 10:51 |
cd4933463e8c6d20fec6243b4c12188c01745cfd988acca..> | 776.7 KiB | 2022-Sep-10 11:04 |
cccb45f3b53ca5429bc71933b9bfbb1e861c77ecffab19e..> | 841.0 KiB | 2022-Sep-10 11:04 |
bdff8fd835b617719ae6c8275295de2c0175dffb97e1c7e..> | 753.4 KiB | 2020-Aug-01 10:51 |
91a8f5857e6e552105a737b7a283be769fd94d1de7e212e..> | 753.6 KiB | 2020-Aug-01 10:51 |
4dcf7c005daa9ff0876156aa32748fb980f7afb6b0dee62..> | 774.9 KiB | 2020-Aug-01 10:51 |
31de69ca77b7da084a7b3641030283872be479b37d4f2cb..> | 753.9 KiB | 2020-Aug-01 10:51 |
2bf36ae28ff484da72b19ff74ae7a4de723370d91e2bddf..> | 863.7 KiB | 2022-Sep-10 11:04 |